Recruiting a Team (For the Long Term) - Annesley Gandon recruitment specialists

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Annesley Gandon | Recruiting a Team
Recruiting a Team, Long Term


Recruiting a competent team isn’t necessarily difficult – the real challenge is in retaining that team, for the long term.

Many business owners face this problem; going through a comprehensive interview process to find some great people who can help your company grow, only to have them leave three months later. It’s an unfortunate occurrence, there’s no doubt about it, but there are ways to keep ahold of good staff – it just may take some changes on your part.

The first relates to the old adage “people don’t leave companies; people leave managers.” Whilst this is an oversimplification and certainly doesn’t always apply, there is a grain of truth – you need to inspire your staff through strong leadership. By providing direction and purpose for your team, your employees will feel confident that they can come to you with any questions or concerns.

They need to know how their work fits into the bigger picture and where you’re trying to take the business – if they work hard, day after day, and have no idea how they’re contributing to growth and success, it can be a big demotivator to their work ethic. With a strong leader who communicates effectively, values hard work and rewards a team that contributes, everyone will feel much more confident and content with their role.

The second is improving your company culture – no one wants to reach 8pm on a Sunday and have high anxiety about returning to work the next day. Unhappy staff who clearly would rather be elsewhere makes for a very uncomfortable working environment for all.

Building a great company culture does crossover with the core skills of leadership; open communication, appreciation of work, being valued and connected to the rest of the team can make a massive difference to the overall mood of business. By knowing what is going on and why things are happening, employees will naturally start to work together – and being a part of something bigger together can be a huge motivator – and motivated employees tend to be happy, engaged, and glad to come to work!

If recruitment is still proving difficult for you however, consider hiring through an agency like Annesley Gandon. Our recruitment process is extremely thorough, and we will not only help you find the best talent for your team, but we can also help and advise on culture, contracts, benefits or anything else employment related.

We understand that businesses grow, often quickly, and it can be difficult to scale up your processes and policies at the same rate of growth – it happens to most small and medium sized companies we work with.

Communication is key on every level to grow a successful business, whether that’s with your team or network of experts and contacts – let Annesley Gandon be your recruitment expert. Contact us here today.